Thursday, June 23, 2011

Many lost are found... thanks!

So I've been removing names from the missing persons list - thank you for checking the list and letting us know when you've got contact information for listed classmates. AND we're over 65 tickets sold for the reunion, which I think is pretty good, 3 months out from the event - it will be fun!! Hope to see you there ;D

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reunion Questionnaire

As we're working to put together some interesting stuff for the JMHS 1970 & 1971 Reunion "Memory Book" (which will be a DVD!), we will be mailing out this questionnaire BUT some of you may find it easier to just come online and respond here.

So - leave a comment on this post, responding to the following questions (you don't have to answer them all, just share what you want to share - please include the name you used in high school as well as the name you go by now):

1. When you think of high school, what makes you laugh the most?

2. Which course was the most bizarre and why?

3. Who was your favorite teacher and why?

4. What was your favorite song or group in high school?

5. Where could you be found most often when not in school?

6. Where on campus did you hang out?

Post-JMHS questions:

7. If you are married, for how long?
7a. Did you marry a classmate?

8. How many kids?
8a. Grandkids?

9. How far will you travel for the reunion?
9a. Who are you hoping to see at the reunion?

10. What is your greatest accomplishment since leaving Marshall?

11. Do you have an interesting story you’d like to share?

You can also respond as an email (if you don't want to do it right here, out in the open ;D) to
Paul Kusunoki ('71) ~ pkusunoki AT
Joanna Erdos ('70) ~ jerdos3 AT
Connie Pojas ('71) ~ conpoja AT

Or mail the whole thing to Marshall 70-71 Reunion,
P.O. Box 1164, Rosemead, CA 91770